military art

美 [ˈmɪləteri ɑːrt]英 [ˈmɪlətri ɑːt]
  • 军事艺术
military artmilitary art
  1. On Ma Yuan ′ s Military Art


  2. When future scholars look back on the early years of the21st century how will they characterize military art and science ?


  3. It may not seem quite decent , but that is no concern of the military art .


  4. Military Art of Roman Empire


  5. One could argue that until recently , military art and science has aimed at building , training and using tactical formations as the primary expression of ground combat power .


  6. Martial art sings war 's praises and prettifies brutal martial conquer . Military art not only invisibly offer martial education but also possesses high aesthetic value .


  7. Now you learn literature , military art , and improve your eloquence . What 's more , besides you , you enroll a lot of students to impart them your knowledge .


  8. The warrior value in Story of the Pings lies in three aspects : firstly , the perfect military art , the spirit of looking upon death as going home , and the brave and firm character ;


  9. All officers and fighters of our army must improve their military art , march forward courageously towards sure victory in the war and resolutely , thoroughly , wholly and completely wipe out all enemies .


  10. The era has long been referred to as the Golden Age in Dutch history due to the Netherlands " great prosperity in the areas of trade , military , art , and science during this period .


  11. The ancient books which cover the history of politics , economy , cultural , military , art , humanities , geography agricultural production natural disasters and customs are very informative and valuable in terms of research and utilization .


  12. " Centennial Chinese Martyrs Art Exhibition ," Military Museum of Art , Beijing .


  13. The applications of NURBS sculpting method pervade many fields , for example industry , military affairs , art and etc.


  14. From Emphasis on Military Power to Art Performs & The Ancient Military Dances and Describe with Fighting Skill in Verse


  15. He originated his military thoughts and commanding art through practice .


  16. In the final analysis the military profession is the art of prevailing .


  17. Intersubjectivity and the Birth of English Military Translation of The Art of War


  18. The most significant aspect is the display from the early life of military hospitals and the art troupe to the situation of bustling city .


  19. Military Science of Sun Tzu is both a masterpiece of military treatise and a representative of military art beauty , which has made great contribution to Chinese classical aesthetics .
